Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stunning Asus Waveface Laptops Will Drive You Crazy

These concept laptops by Asus have been designed with lots of innovative features to dominate the headlines over the near future era. These next generation gadgets can attain the attention of all range of users with their unique shape and functional qualities. The Waveface watchphone with its bendable feature can stick on the wrist of the users to offer convenient access to their important documents. The Waveface Light is another innovative laptop concept with flexible display that can be flattened to use it a tablet on the desk or as a usual laptop. Finally, the Waveface Casa is a complete home entertainment system that can be hooked up on the wall to watch movies with great comfort.

stunning asus waveface laptops

stunning asus waveface laptops

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“SITE” Can Guide You to Your Desired Food Container

The ‘SITE’ concept is a combination of a navigation device and a scanner that helps visually impaired people to locate the correct food by using voice recognition, scanner and Radio-Frequency Identification tags. The device can scan canned grocery items through the scanner and save the products under a name assigned by voice command of the user, following by placing an RFID tag on the product.

When the user wants to find an item, they just name it and the SITE activates the particular RFID tag through radio signal. The user will put the ring of ‘SITE’ and will feel vibration when they place their hand over the desired food item. This innovative product will offer maximum convenience to the targeted users by diminishing the need of going through all the cans in the pantry and read their labels with traditional readers.

site can guide you

site can guide you

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Phillu : Matchbox Shaped Mobile Storage Device

Phillu is an innovative mobile storage device with a shape of matchbox that has a capacity of 45GB to carry and transfer all your data. The concept not only incorporates the shape, but also the functionality of a matchbox by featuring 9 removable sticks with a capacity of 5GB storage each. When it comes about transferring data, the user have to pick an available stick by pushing the case from the behind, put the head of the stick at the end of the striker and quickly strike the stick along the striker by adding pressure. The stick will become burned black at that time and will be ready to transfer data to another Phillu owner by plugging it to his device without the need of a computer in between.

matchbox shaped mobile storage device phillu

matchbox shaped mobile storage device phillu

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Enjoy the Future Today with Vuzix Eyewear

Vuzix has produced a set of video eyewear that shows different types of video content to the users for various educational training purposes. Aside from their existing video eyewear line-up, Vuzix is going to launch their new device 920AR that would enable enlarged reality functionality to appear on the sunglasses. This glass has been designed to overlay desired information of the user over video content while wearing the device. The new AR features various applications about augmented reality on static screens, the sunglass includes stereo camera that captures video and displays the user on a 67-inch display from 10 feet away.

enjoy the future today with vuzix eyewear

enjoy the future today with vuzix eyewear

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USB Flash Drive That Can Show Space Status

The main functions of this USB flash concept is collecting, gathering and acquiring information, which can easily be realized from its innovative shape. Aside from making it stylish, the smooth curvature case of the flash drive with silver finish and glossy edge design allows it to be disconnected easily from the computer. The small display located at the back of the device will show the drive’s capacity, status of used and remaining space, and certain symbols and writings. The presentation of the information into the display can be customized by using the active menu when the device is turned on.

usb flash drive concept

usb flash drive concept

Designer : Sokolova Ekateryna

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