Monday, November 9, 2009

Voice Stick : Portable Text Scanning Device For The Visually Impaired

Technology is improving day by day and many of the innovations are being planned for various segments of people. Many of the innovations are also invented for people with various ailments. Like the new Voice Stick, a text scanning device for the visually impaired. As the name suggests, the stick when scanned in the printed letters, the OCR function recognizes the text and converts the information into voice. The voice is then read back and thus helping the visually challenged. It is a quite innovative and practical product. So whatever be the matter, like letters, E-mails etc, it works out to be a perfect solution and companion for the visually challenged.

voice stick for the blind

voice stick for the blind

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SNS Project Inkwell Spark Concept

IDEO has come up with a revolutionary product that has been designed as a study tool for kids under the age of 12 years. It allows them to read, learn, collaborate and work the product is design is laptop style computing which has a special set of physical characteristics which facilitates the usage for children and allowing schools and parents alike, to support the system. Also it helps students to adjust to any given environment and learn during the same time. This is a very useful tool as students can learn in this faster compared to other mediums.

spark study tool for kids

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PhotonSynthesis is A Bonsai Tree with 54 Mini Photovoltaic Leaf Panels

The new bonsai like PhotonSynthesis designed by designer Vivien Muller is a device which seems straight out of designer text books. The device consists of 54 mini photovoltaic leaf panels which are needed for charging various gadgets. The connecting power cords are hidden beneath the tray that holds the overall plant. The so called branches of this tree consist of solar panels which store the electric energy from the sun in the battery which can be produced at the time of recharging the electric device. Thus it’s a nice utilization of natural resources to take care of our daily needs though it’s tempting enough to say that power does grow on trees.

bonsai photosyntese

bonsai photosyntese

Designer : Vivien Muller via IGreenSpot

Torch White LED Light Glove

The new conceptual torch light designed by Slovenian designer Tilen Sepic, is something that has been picked straight out of the sci-fi movies. The whole idea of the concept as per the designer is to produce a working light without the hassle of shadows being reflected in the object. The device is supposed to be worn like a glove around the wrist and the light is emitted through the white LED which is a part of the device. The device also includes a battery pack with the light being transferred through the attached optical fibers to a specified location. Just point at the location and you will see light!

bright led glove

bright led glove

Designer : Tilen Sepic via DesignBoom

Transform Your Cell Phone to A Box to Play

The cell phone market has reached a stage wherein all the manufacturers are vying for their own pace. Today phones are not just phones but something beyond. Like the new phone that is a resultant of KDDI; this concept phone normally can be used as a phone, however the same unfolds to become a music jukebox. It’s is as simple as that and when folded looks all set to be a jazzy phone. So the next time if one feels that they are out of options to organize a small private party, just flip out your phone and be the party starter !

phone box to play

phone box to play

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