Monday, November 9, 2009

Future Mobile Search for Diet by Mac Funamizu

Still remember about “future mobile device with advanced search function“? This time, Mac Funamizu has come up with the idea to use this mobile device for diet. Usually people don’t care about their nutrition and keep on eating anything they feel like. But if you have some diet gadget that can tell you the amount of carbohydrates or vitamins, or proteins or sugar that diet is containing you might control your eating habits. You just need to take this gadget on the top of the food and it will deliver all the details just by pinpointing the dish you want to check. So, this gadget will definitely help you in keeping your body fit.

future mobile search for diet

future mobile search for diet

Designer : Mac Funamizu


Universal Remote for Lazy Gizmo Freaks !

According to me, remote is the greatest invention that has been created. For a lazy gizmo freak like me the motto is ‘when it can be done an easier way, then why try another way’! With almost every device possible coming with remotes, like TV AC, CD player, this device which is supposed to ease your worries, it gets cumbersome to maintain so many remotes. And almost all the remote look the same, it becomes a tough ask to maneuver between devices. Well before you freak out, help is here, David Chacon has come up with a design for the universal remote which promises to take care of all the worries.

This flash capable device displays everything from channel listings to elaborate menus, and manage the whole house – like turning on the microwave oven or dimming the lights. Also the touch screen is very roomy. The frequencies set is right and if the product company provides the required support, the device can customize graphically the interface for the product.

universal remote concept

universal remote concept

universal remote concept

Though still in the conceptual mode, it might be a while before the same might seem the light of the day. But all said and done, this one device is sure going to be a hit amongst all the Lazy Gizmo Freaks!

Designer : David Chacon via TrendHunter via Dvice

With Link Child Locator, Hopefully No More Missing Children

You are about to catch the flight for that weekend get away with your family and it’s a last minute rush to board the plane. You already have the boarding pass and just as you hear the last minute announcements, suddenly you observe that your child is missing! You look everywhere but where to locate in this sea of human faces? Is he safe or what might have happened? This might seem to be a scene taken out of any popular movie flick, but could as well be a scenario in real life too. There are many incidents across airports, amusement parks or shopping malls wherein the Public address system is used to locate the dear ones. Not any more! If the Link Child Locator is anything to go by!

The basic concept that works on is that a parent can use to locate or keep a track of the child in a crowded location. It has 2 components, a bracelet, which is worn by the child containing a transmitter module that works at a range of up to 100 feet, and the other part is a watch style bracelet which is worn by the parent. This part receives the child’s signal and indicates the direction and the estimated distance on a small LCD display.

link child locator

locate your child with link

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Plantronics Versa Future Concept of Wireless Headset

Communication is the driving force by which we are leading our lives today. Just as the watches, jewelry, and eye wear are all making fashion statements, communication devices too are joining this category. Welcome to Plantronics Versa, a concept design by One & Co. This is a future concept wireless headsets that define the way we communicate in future though it looks more like a ear mounted pen holder!

Well this wireless headset looks cool and uses the Bluetooth technology to connect to the mobile phone and RF to connect to the actual ear buds. So technologically this sounds a cool concept.

plantronics versa futuristic headet

plantronics versa future concept of headet

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Bright-F : Let’s Hear Your Colors

We live in a very bright and colorful world around us. The creator has added color into every aspect of our lives. Life seems bland if it does not have its share of color. We use our eyes to distinguish colors. We differentiate a green leaf from a red flower. It is hard to imagine how a blind person identifies color? Especially when he lacks the tool that helps him in distinguishing the same? Understanding these challenges, designer Lifeng Yu has come up with a perfect solution. Called as the Bright–F, it distinguishes different colors and speaks out the same through a speaker i.e vision changed into sounds.

Bright-F has a program of practical teaching about colors which can help the blind to know the action of the colors, such as the way of composing garments of different colors, how to avoid clothing dyeing, and how the colors influent people’s motions. Flashlight can bring bright to most people in the dark except the blind people. However, the shape of Bright-F, which comes from the flashlight, can bring the brightness in colors to the blind. By touching the flashlight-like outside of this design, the blind people can easily associate the function of it. This can bring them more confidence about life.

bright f concept for vision impaired

bright f technology concept for vision impaired

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