Monday, November 9, 2009

Miranda, Great Protection for Protesters

Miranda is a cheap video recorder with a flash memory and 3 axis accelerometer. It helps you to record all things happening around you and also helps finding thieves or anything suspicious as it goes around with every time. It’s small, adaptable and cheap. Lams convincing thoughts has helped in showing the results of the brutal processions. It is very effective in the elimination of corruption from a body (mostly government). Requires very little maintenance and very effectively and generate proportional benefits. It also plays a major role in the security of civil rights.

miranda protection for protesters

miranda protection for protesters


Airtrav, Electronic Boarding Pass Concept

Airtrav is a futuristic electronic gadget concept used to collect flight information no matter when and where you are. All travelers including with hearing impaired can have access to it and be alerted on all changes regarding flight arrival and departure. It also has facilities such as “locate the airport” and “airport map” for easy and comfortable traveling, you’ll definitely enjoy your travel activities.

airtrave boarding pass concept

airtrave future boarding pass

Vibering Sensor to Help Detect Noises for Hearing-Impaired

This stylish ring is actually a gadget to help deaf people to sense noises around them. Vibering sensor helps them to notice vehicle’s horn or someone’s call at the back which often results in an unforeseen emergencies. Consist of two rings and a wristwatch, the ring can vibrate to alarm the bearer about specific noise and identify the information from the wristwatch window at the same time.

Vibering sensor not just an alarm unit for hearing-impaired, but also can be stylish fashion items with its stylish design of rings and wristwatch.

vibering sensor

vibering sensor for deaf people

Papyrus, Electronic Reader That Will Replace Your Text Book

Soon, textbook will be just an old school tools, Papyrus will come and replace them all. The idea of Papyrus is based on growing popularity of communication tools such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc, students are more connected than ever these days. Papyrus is an inexpensive e-reader which is designed to allow on screen note taking with a stylus, as well as tagging the content. Students will be able to share these tags and discuss it among them.

papyrus electronic reader

One of the most important details about Papyrus is how it is so different from a traditional style tablet PC or PDA. First, the unit is far less expensive at around $100. With a combination of a removal of audio, high-end graphics card, Ethernet port, and a textbook publisher/manufacturer subsidy (due to the subscription based service now that they have no overhead costs of shipping/storage/most manufacturing costs since their books are now digital) the cost is quite reasonable. Second, the device has a much longer battery life (around 30 hours) from using an E-Ink screen. Third, Papyrus’ stripped-down, specialized interface makes it accessible to a broad range of users. It’s simple enough that faculty and other adults won’t be intimidated or annoyed, yet functional enough that students will feel like they’re using something current.

papyrus electronic reader concept

Papyrus can also help student to tackle their fear of drawing attention to themselves. This device will place the students in a familiar environment, giving them a safe and familiar venue to speak out without unwanted attention. And great thing is, Papyrus cost less that textbooks, and also eliminating manufacturing and shipping costs and passing the savings on the students.

papyrus future electronic reader

Via : IGreenSpot

Flow, Medical Healthcare Gadget

The medical health care products for home consumers are now growing and more effective for everyday life. Using the new advances in small particle nano technology to inhale into lung and monitoring the metered dose to delivery a specific amount. Flow is a medical gadget that focuses on the asthmatic who have both chronic conditions and asthma attack. Including bio-sensor for testing the air quality and records an allergens of each individual asthmatic.

flow healthcare device

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